You are a step closer to realising your home ownership dream. No call credit? No problem! Just click 'Send an eMail' to reach these highly experienced staff today.
Shailendra Roy Head of Mortgages Send an eMail Mobile: 702 4037 Landline: 321 2172
I am proud to lead a team of professional mobile lenders who are committed to making the home buying experience as smooth and pleasant as possible. We are all available to meet with clients in-person at mutually agreed times to suit their convenience. We will listen and provide financing solutions tailored to customer's unique needs.
Vulisere Tawaqa Mobile Lending Manager Send an eMail Mobile: 702 4061 Landline: 321 4947
Anand Nair Mobile Lending Manager Send eMail Mobile: 702 4886/975 8896 Landline: 323 4233
Ritnesh Prasad Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 702 4877 Landline: 323 4162

Ilaitia Waqa Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 702 4536 Landline: 334 2333

Salvin Singh Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 702 4537 Landline: 321 4420
For Central division customers, visit any branch or walk into the BSP Home Loan Centre on the ground floor of the BSP Suva Central building in the capital city.
Mereani Baleikatuba Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 7024 853 Landline: 6700 988
Parveen Deo Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 7024 528 Landline: 6728 955

Jiare Samisoni (Charlie) Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 7024 510 Landline: 6700 722
Sanjeev Sumer Mobile Lending Officer Send eMail Mobile: 7024 906 Landline: 323 4579
For those customers in the Northern division, please visit any BSP branch near you or call our Customer Contact Center on 132 888 for queries.