Notices / Public Notice: Beware of Phishing Attempts

Public Notice: Beware of Phishing Attempts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Customers are advised to be aware of a security issue involving phishing emails that appear to be BSP’s official communications.  These deceptive emails aim to steal personal information by directing users to fake websites designed to look like the official BSP site. 

Key Points to Remember:

  • We will never request security details via email.
  • Always verify links and ensure they lead to the official banking portal
  • Be cautious of any email that asks for personal information or directs you to click on suspicious links.
  • Never provide your OTP to a person that calls you and says they are calling or emailing from BSP

Steps to Protect Yourself:

  • Do Not Engage: Do not reply to any suspicious emails, click on links or download attachments.
  • Verify Directly: If an email seems unusual, contact our 24-hour Customer Service Centre directly using the contact information provided on our official website.
  • Report Immediately: Send any suspicious emails so we can investigate and take appropriate action.
  • Delete After Reporting: Once reported, remove the email from your inbox and trash folder.

Protecting customer’s personal and financial information is our priority, and we are actively working to resolve this issue.

For any questions or assistance, please contact our 24-hour Customer Service Centre on 132 888 (locally) or +679 3214 400 or email