Phishing Emails

Protect your personal and bank details from email fraud.
There are fraudulent emails targeting BSP customers that claim to come from BSP. These phishing emails seek to trick you into giving out your personal or banking details by providing links that seem to lead to a legitimate BSP Internet Banking website but it is actually a fake website.
Ways you can identify phishing emails.
- The email contains poor grammar or punctuation.
- It may not address you by name.
- It instructs you to click on a link.
- It asks for confidential financial information.
BSP aware of current phishing emails targeting our customers. Please see example of the emails below.
Remember BSP approaches matters regarding the security of your personal information with utmost importance and will never ask you to verify, update or correct any information over emails.
Please note that if you receive such phishing emails do the following:
- Do not click on the link provided in the email.
- Forward any suspicious emails to
- Delete the email from your inbox and delete folder
If in the event that you have clicked on the link in the phishing email, please call BSP Customer Contact Center 132 888 (within Fiji) or +679 3214 400 (from overseas) or email