BSP Fiji Group Donates COVID - Care Supplies to Health Ministry.

The BSP Fiji Group (BSP Bank, BSP Life and BSP Finance) donated $10,000 worth of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health & Medical Services today to support Fiji’s war against COVID-19.
Items included thermometers, hand sanitisers, linen and refreshments for staff were handed over by BSP Life’s Managing Director, Mr. Michael Nacola to Ministry of Health’s Incident Management Team (IMT) General Manager Dr. Anaseini Maisema.
Mr Nacola, speaking on behalf of the BSP Fiji Group, applauded the efforts of all front-line health workers and support organisations. “We offer you our sincere appreciation for your commitment and sacrifice in working tirelessly to address the latest outbreak.”
“We share the great concern, with all Fijians, about the rapid rise in positive cases and growing number of deaths. Combatting the virus requires everyone’s total commitment and support. It needs a collective national effort, strictly adhering to all the COVID-safe protocols, including restricting our movements,” he added.
Mr Nacola continued, “The BSP Group is encouraging all our staff and all Fijians to follow the protocols set by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport during this time. These are critical for our personal, our family’s and our community’s safety and to get control over the outbreak. It is imperative that we all work together to allow our country to return to normalcy.”
The BSP Group is pleased that over 85% of staff have received their first dose of the vaccine and progressively getting their second.
Dr. Maisema thanked the BSP Fiji Group for supporting the Ministry’s response to the pandemic in the country. She said the donation will help the Ministry in its prevention efforts. She also commended the vaccination drive by the BSP Fiji Group. "When you get vaccinated, you automatically protect everyone around you. All Fijian lives matter."