Investing over K11 million through BSP Community Projects
BSP Financial Group Limited has invested over K11million to communities in PNG through its Community Project initiative, since 2009.
In 2020, despite the challenges of the covid-19 pandemic, BSP branches and staff continued their efforts in strengthening and improving the quality of life for local communities, where branches delivered 105 wash stations as the bank’s response to Covid-19 in helping to keep schools and communities safe.
BSP Group CEO Robin Fleming said, “BSP has invested over K1.3m on projects in 2020, giving back to Health and Education. While ensuring the safety of our staff, the bank successfully implemented and delivered a total of 46 projects, through BSP branches across PNG, where in some provinces, BSP remains the only bank serving the provinces."
The BSP Community Project initiated as part of BSP’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the purpose to improve social and economic wellbeing for the present and the future generations. The Community projects happen in each of the Provinces and contribute to nation building.
Madang province is an example of a province that has benefitted from community projects, where BSP has delivered 10 Community Projects since 2009, valued over K275 thousand. In 2020, the branch team, carried out refurbishment of classrooms and donated a new water tank for Walium Primary School.
BSP’s services reach as far as Kinim Sub-Branch on Karkar and Gusap Sub-Branch in Ramu with six BSP Agents two located in Madang town, another two on Karkar’s Kulili Estate and Kulkul Plantation, and one in Sumkar’s Waimas village and Raicoast’s Bodidik Village, in Basamuk. In terms of EFTPoS devices, we have 457 installed and 9 ATMs.
BSP delivers more than just banking; we help to make a difference one community at a time.