Green bank advocates recycling this World Environment Day

‘Solutions to plastic pollution’ is the theme for this year’s World Environment Day and BSP Financial Group as the green bank is pleased to align this theme with its annual Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival.
BSP has run the festival over the last 4 years and joins in observing World Environment Day this year with planned activities around sustainable ways of reducing plastic pollution in the environment.
BSP Corporate Sponsorship Manager Amelia Minnopu said BSP continues to align its Go Green Activities with environmental activities and this year is no different. A series of BSP Go Green activities will take place in this month – dedicated to the environmental theme that also includes the BSP Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival.
“These activities are aimed at encouraging students to not only be responsible for their trash but also think of innovative ways of transforming that trash to sculptures. This is aligned with this year’s World Environment Day theme of ‘Solutions to Plastic Pollution,” Ms Minnopu said.
Since the inception of BSP Go Green School Clean-up in 2009, close to 50,000 students have participated in this activity in PNG and BSP’s OffShore Branches in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa and Cook Islands.
Carr Memorial Adventist Primary School students involved in the annual BSP Go Green School Clean-up Day on 29th November 2022.
“The world is very inundated by plastics. Every year 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced with less than 10 percent recycled. Today they continue to pollute our beaches, rivers and pollute the air when burnt, making plastics one of the gravest threats to the planet. As our only home, we must challenge ourselves to recycling, reusing trash that would in the end reduce waste in our communities. Be creative, plant flowers in the used plastic bottles or create a raft, we can all make a difference by reusing waste.
“Our focus at BSP this World Environment Day is to drive the message of #BeatPlasticPollution by coming up with sustainable solutions – we all can learn from the BSP Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival which runs from 10th June to 2nd July in Port Moresby,” Ms Minnopu concluded.
BSP also runs the Annual School Clean-up, scheduled for November.