BSP Vanimo powers up health centre
People along the West Coast Road in Vanimo, West Sepik Province, can now access improved health services from Lote Sub-Health Centre following a facelift and refurbishment by BSP Vanimo Branch this month as part of the branch’s community project for 2021.
The surrounding communities of Lido, Dawaoh and Daunda, can now enjoy a well-lit facility from a reliable clean energy source that now powers up the centre.
With the country facing another Covid-19 surge in cases, the BSP Vanimo Branch also came with a timely assistance, providing a fridge for the medical staff, to safely store vaccines.
Lote Health Centre Acting Officer-in-Charge, Nickson Howie in receiving the support from BSP Vanimo Branch said the project will not only benefit the people of Vanimo but PNG as a whole.
Relieving BSP VanimoBranch Manager Constantine Dosi and the team at the project handover at Lote Sub-Health Centre on Friday 24th September.
“People of Vanimo can now receive the Covid-19 vaccine including other vaccines through the use of the vaccine fridge at Lote Health-Sub Centre. We now have a solar powered vaccine fridge to safely store vaccines,” Howie said.
From renovating a double story classroom at Dasi Primary School in 2019 to assisting the Don Bosco Technical Secondary School with computers for its lab in 2020, BSP Vanimo Branch Manager Delilah Kanit said the bank continues to give back to the people through its Community Projects.
“Apart from giving back to the community through Corporate Social Responsibility, the team actively runs environmental activities in line with BSP Go Green initiatives; we also conduct Financial Literacy Training in the communities in which over 300 people including students have participated in the training this year.
West Sepik Province has an estimated population of 190,000 people across the province’s 36,616 square kilometres of landmass – the third largest province in terms of landmass in PNG, “and BSP is happy to be serving some of some areas where no other banks go, “ said Mrs Kanit.
BSP through its Vanimo and Aitape Branches has given back 26 community projects in total valued at K610,000 since 2009.