BSP Retail head office and BSP First extends Gordons Clinic Building

The sight of mothers accessing Antenatal Health Care and babies receiving immunisation under a tent outside the Gordons clinic in Port Moresby is now a thing of the past, thanks to BSP Financial Group’s Community Project initiative.
BSP’s Retail head office and BSP First teams assisted the Gordons Clinic by extending and building two new consultation rooms, a project valued at K120,000. The new facility has been described by the NCD Provincial Health Authority as a ‘win-win’ for all.
The Gordons Clinic sees up to 3,000 patients per month - most of whom are from the Moresby North-East area, some even travelling in from the Hiritano Highway to access basic health services.
BSP’s Head of Retail Payments, Peter Komon, in handing over the completed facility said, BSP gives back to many communities across Papua New Guinea and the Pacific through its Community Projects initiative. “Projects under this initiative are unique in the sense that they are initiated and led by staff. They are done it this way to imbue an attitude of civic duty, and strengthen the connection with the communities in the markets we operate in. The refurbishment of the Gordons clinic is also recognition of immense contribution made by hospitals, clinics and dedicated health workers in the country.
BSP Head of Retail Payment Peter Komon handover consultation rooms to Director Curative Health – NCD PHA Dr Micheal Dokup and staff of Gordons clinic in Port Moresby.
“The 3,000 plus patients that attend the Gordons Clinic every month, which include the infirm seeking medical attention and babies brought in for screening and immunization, will now benefit from an improved facility. This will have a lasting impact on a significant proportion of the local community and we are thankful for the opportunities to work with key government service providers to deliver projects such as this that extend beyond provision of banking services,” Komon added.
CEO of NCD PHA Dr Steven Yennie acknowledged BSP’s continuous assistance in partnering with the authority in the past. “The extension of Waiting Area at Gerehu Hospital as well as other areas in the city: Lawes Road, 6 Mile and Pari Clinics. Surely this relationship goes a long way. We recognise your corporate social responsibility efforts and appreciate it with gratitude and humility. Health is everyone’s business and this assistance is part of that line of thinking,” he added.
BSP’s annual Community Projects focuses on education, health, sports, environment and other community initiatives. The Gordons Clinic building extension is testament of BSP customer and stakeholders being looked after from a community level up.