BSP Delivers worthy project to Special Education School

Gerehu Callan Services for Inclusive Education Resource Centre in Gerehu Stage 6, Port Moresby welcomed a refurbished building for students with disAbilities, thanks to BSP Financial Group Limited.
The BSP Marketing Committee & CEO selection Project through its annual community project, renovated the deteriorated building to allow special needs students to learn in a fresh and conducive environment.
Refurbishment included painting of exterior walls, replacing of rotten timbers and gutters, replacing of fly wires, tiling of floors and graveling. Books were also donated as well as piping to correct excess water flow in the car park area.
BSP Group CEO Robin Fleming when speaking at the opening ceremony said, "this project was chosen as BSP believes in providing every opportunity for our children whether disabled or abled, to learn with the right facilities in place."
“We are proud to be identified with this project which falls in our agenda to touch lives, reach out to the needy and show love for the community we operate in,” said Fleming.
BSP Group CEO Robin Fleming with BSP Marketing Team
BSP Head of Marketing, Gorethy Semi, reiterated that this particular project is worth K30, 000 and this project was chosen in ensuring that children in this special school are guaranteed equal and accessible education through inclusive learning environments and inclusive and equitable quality education for all.
Parent’s representative Donna Ogia, was very thankful to BSP saying that this recognition and assistance by BSP is greatly appreciated since parents with special needs children find it hard to ensure their children are fully educated and find a place in society to fit in.
“BSP coming on board to assist will shed a light on these special children and hopefully the direction we take is being more inclusive and accepting of these special needs children in our society.
I have a son who has visual impairment, a son who has 4% visibility and now my son has a son with the same condition. My grandson attends this school. I know how hard it is to raise one. It is expensive but it’s worth it when we discover their real talents in schools like this. From the parents and teachers here, we thank you BSP!”
The project was blessed by Sir Cardinal Ribat followed by ribbon cutting by Sir Cardinal Ribat and Robin Fleming. The handover witnessed by BSP Marketing Committee, religious orders and the students, teachers and Parents of Gerehu Callan Services for Inclusive Education Resource Center.
Apart from supporting inclusive education for children with special needs, BSP also maintains its support to other similar organisation such as Port Moresby Chesire Home, PNG Red Cross Centre and others.