BSP Continues Support for Cancer Foundation - Trupla Man Outreach Prevention Program

BSP Financial Group Limited (BSP) is pleased to continue its support for the PNG Cancer Foundation (PNGCF) Trupla Man Outreach Prevention & Education Program this year with another K20, 000.
The Trupla Man Outreach Prevention & Education Program is focused on encouraging the conversation of health and lifestyle choices among menfolk with the aim of raising awareness on men’s cancer and cancer presentations.
BSP Corporate Sponsorship Manager Amelia Minnopu when handing over the cheque said, “The bank recognizes the significant health issues faced by many men in PNG and are grateful for the work that PNG Cancer Foundation do in the communities. The awareness is crucial, as we know that early detection can save lives.”
“We believe our support not only will help people gain information and support they need to adopt healthy lifestyles but make important choices that help reduces cancer risk in communities and the country, “added Minnopu.
BSP Corporate Sponsorship Manager Amelia Minnopu signing the dummy cheque as PNG Cancer Foundation's Executive Manager Ms Priscillar Napoleon looks on.
PNG Cancer Foundation Executive Manager Ms Priscillar Napoleon acknowledged BSP for the continued support saying, “PNGCF is grateful that BSP continues to support and show good faith since 2019 for the foundation's core activities under cancer awareness, particularly the Trupela Man Outreach Program and the annual Pinktober Women's Health Awareness campaign in October. We recognise BSP as a champion-advocate in helping us to build a bolder cancer prevention campaign in PNG.”
“This year, BSP’s support will assist the foundation to conduct its schedule of the Trupela Man program which will include two public events and one school-based program within the next 12 months. The TMOPEP promotes our Mausgras campaign, usually observed throughout November each year, with the aim of normalising the conversation of men's health and cancer awareness guided by the important message of making healthy lifestyle choices including the commitment to regular health checkups. Our awareness campaigns are backed by the WHO's finding that up to one-third of cancer cases can be prevented through healthier lifestyle choices,” she added.
BSP’s support to the PNGCF’s Trupla Man Outreach Prevention & Education Program is not only limited to the program but nonetheless, BSP staff annually supported PNGCF’s annual programs like the Women’s Health Awareness Campaign - “Pinktober” that runs yearly in the month of October and also through fundraising breakfasts and wearing pink in the month of October to raise awareness on Cancer. The other support includes the Movember - Men’s Cancer Awareness Campaign.