BSP Capital Delivers New Infusion Pumps to POMGen

In assisting nurses and doctors providing quality nursing care, BSP Capital – a Subsidiary Business arm of BSP, delivered 12 new Infusion Pumps to the Port Moresby General Hospital (POMGen).
An Infusion Pump is a medical device that delivers fluids, such as nutrients and medications like insulin or other hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and pain relievers into a patient's body in controlled amounts.
BSP Capital General Manager Richard La’a when presenting the item said, “BSP continues to procure necessary equipment and support to our health sector as part of our community commitment as we believe that healthy people are productive, hence, they are likely to participate in the process of building a healthy nation,” added Mr La’a.
“We are also aware that many health centres in our communities are running on minimal medical supplies. The health officers work as hard as they can to supply the best care available, but often, it is not enough. In considering this, it pleases the bank to deliver this equipment to assist our nurses and doctors in delivering quality health care to our people,” said La’aa.
Director for medical services Dr Kone Sobi thanking BSP Capital General manager Richard La'a for the item supplied.
Director for medical services Dr Kone Sobi upon receiving the item said, “We are grateful for BSP’s continued support over the years in assisting and helping with our health care facilities not just in Port Moresby but hospitals and clinics around the country.”
“The donation of this Infusion pumps is a very vital one as it will enhance our performance offering significant advantages over manual administration of fluids, including the ability to deliver fluids in very small volumes, and the ability to deliver fluids at precisely programmed rates or automated intervals.”
Dr Sobi explained that; “This 13 pumps will be shared within the Departments used to care for patients especially with severe mid-term respiratory conditions.”
“With this many machine now on hand, it will be used in our advantage to reduce workload of nursing staff; and helps deliver précised dosage to patients,” added Dr Sobi.
BSP continues to ensure lasting relationships with its community through Health, Education, sports and wellbeing for the communities not just in PNG but also other Pacific Countries that BSP Operates in.