Wemaloo Nagari- 25 Years Anniversary
Setbacks and defeats will come on the journey to achieving your dreams and career path. At such times, patience is what is required.

These were the words from Wemaloo Nagari- Team Leader- BSP Transaction Channel Support when receiving her silver jubilee awards as a long service staff of the bank.
She was a grade 10 school leaver, and thought she could never make it in life with a successful job that can take care of family. But it was all an absurd thought.
After finding her way through to complete her 1 year training at Rabaul College (Known as RabsCol), she joined the bank in 1992 starting as a Batch officer.
"It has been a long and rough journey for me but patience is what we all need," Wemaloo stated.
"I am grateful for the organisation for offering me a job that aids me to supports my family, especially my children school fees," she said.
Fast forward - 25 years later and she is now the Team Leader- Transaction Channel Support for almost three years.
"I received my first promotion in 2007 when I was promoted to Branch Training Officer. From then, doors began to open in my career when I was appointed the same position at NCD Operations Centre - now teaming up with Transaction & Channel Support," she said.
The Banks Management was good and my efforts were recognised as I was given opportunities to move and perform more challenging tasks. I couldn't thank the green bank enough of what it has done to me and my family.
Between all of the mentors, managers, inspirational leaders, and support staff - I could not have pursued in my career over this 25 years while simultaneously building my professional skill set if it were not for them.
"I have sacrificed alot, even when I left school and started looking for jobs I almost gave up all hopes. I recalled sending countless applications to companies and departments. I almost gave up because I felt hopeless, sad and deflated," she said.
I am grateful to the bank for its recognition of my service and plead to everyone, "Don't give up! When people say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," I would say " Squeeze the lemons" do not sweeten your circumstances but push through them. You can do it and even if it takes 12 months and a thousand applications, do not give up. Always have patience in whatever you do."
Positions held over the last 25 years:
2007 - 2008: Branch Training Officer - Lae TT
2010 - 2012: Training Officer - NCD Operations Centre
2013 - 2014: Documentation & Compliance Officer, Senior Reconciliations Officer
2015 - 2016: Team Leader Reconciliations- Transaction Channel Support
2017 - 2018: Team Leader CDC - Transaction Channel Support.